10 Ways to Make 2017 a Success


The New Year is upon us and many of us are ready to kiss 2016 goodbye and welcome 2017 with open & loving arms. Although that isn’t quite the case for me, 2016 was pretty good to me; I got married to my best friend, went on the vacation of our dreams and bought our first home. However, there are plenty of changes and improvements I want to make in the New Year and I know you want to make some changes too. No, I’m not psychic but chances are if you are reading this, you are looking for recommendations and I’m here to help.  I have listed out 10 things to change or improve on in 2017. It only takes 21 days to make a habit. So join me, let’s do this together.

  1. Morning Mantras

It’s one thing to have a positive mind but are you also speaking positively out loud? The words we say out loud are very powerful in so many different ways. They can either encourage or destroy. I encourage you to wake up each morning and speak something positive out loud. Tell yourself you are beautiful/handsome, a winner, a champion, successful, etc. because you ARE.

  1. Don’t just say it, Do it

This can go for a lot of things. Don’t be that person that talks the talk, be the person that walks the walk. Believe me people will notice.

  1. Spend MORE time with Family

If you know me, family is everything to me. I spend every day I can with them and it’s never enough. For those of you who may not be as family oriented as you would like, I encourage you to spend more time with your family in 2017.

  1. Try New Recipes

Whether you like to cook or not, cooking actually provides you with so much more than just a meal. It give you the opportunity to save money, eat healthier, learn new things, free therapy and gives you reward and recognition when the meal is a hit with your friends and family.

  1. Pipeline Projects

As I mentioned above, me and my husband bought our first home together and of course there were many projects that we wanted to dive into.  My husband constantly reminded me that we aren’t going to get anything done unless we pick a project and complete it before moving onto the next. I hate to say it, but he was right.

  1. Lend a hand

Whether it’s volunteering at a homeless shelter or fixing your neighbors kitchen sink, try to do something nice for someone each day. It’s rewarding going to sleep each night knowing you made a difference in someone else’s life, whether it was big or small.

  1. Start a Business

This one may not be for everyone but there are so many ways to make money these days. If you have a goal, a dream, a need, a desire but don’t know where to start, stop procrastinating and just do it already. You may not know where to start but so did other successful entrepreneurs.

  1. Pick up a Personal Development Book

It is never OK to stop growing. There is so much you can learn from a personal development book. So, instead of picking up your next fictional book, pick up a personal development book instead. You will be surprised with how much you learn. Some of my favorite authors are John C. Maxwell and Zig Ziglar.

  1. Exercise

Ok, I HAD to throw this one in there. It is so easy to sit on the couch instead of getting up to do a 10 minute workout.  I am a prime example. With all the wedding planning this year, I hardly had time to work out and my body was paying for it. Whether it is 10 minutes each day or 3 hours each week, every little bit counts.

  1. Be Kind to Others, No Matter What

You never know what other people’s stories are or what they are going through so always be kind. Even when you are frustrated, mad or sad because there are so many others in this world that have it worse than you do. Love always.

I hope you will join me in doing more of these things in 2017.If you will, shoot me a comment below. I hope everyone has a safe, happy and wonderful New Year!


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